Are you happy with your current relationship with Money?
Do you make purchases then come home and regret spending the money? 
Do you feel that no matter what you do, the money you get doesn’t last?  
Would you like some clarity in knowing whether your relationship with money can be so much better than it is now? 

Book your FREE 30 minute session here. 

Why should you work with a Money Coach?

As little human beings, we absorb from others:  information, emotions, actions, opinions and these become our go-to source of information which our brain uses to make future decisions. Because these have been so deeply ingrained into our thought process, we often don’t recognise why we act/react the way that we do.  This rings true for ALL relationships; with ourselves, with our business, with friends and family, in the workplace, and with money.

How does Money Coaching work? 

A Money Coach works with you to identify what parts of your personality influence your behaviour towards money, as well as what emotions you associate with money. Identifying emotions and resulting behavioural patterns associated with money are important because this will give you insight into why you think the way that you do about money. You will recognise whether these thoughts are actually working FOR you to create the life that you want, or are the thoughts subconsciously driving you in a totally different direction?

Once subconscious patterns and behaviour have been brought to light, using a step by step methodology, we create a roadmap tailored to your goals that you have identified as areas in your life you would like to change. This ultimately leads to a balanced life as YOU see it, better money management, less “money-stress”, conscious spending or whatever else you feel is where you would like to be with your relationship with money. 
Click the button below to start your Money Journey today! 

Money Coaching with Business Coaching

Covid took the world by storm and its aftermath has left behind the concept of a “new normal”. What does this mean, exactly? Innovation, an upsurge in the use of digital technology, a change in the way people marketed their products and services using social media as the primary driving force to generate sales, better work/life balance and so on. 
The other side of the coin saw decreased levels of mental well-being, lost revenues, lost jobs, increased anxiety as people were unable to pay back mortgages or loans. A lot of emotions surrounding money caused drastic changes in the way people behaved with regards to money. 
It has been my experience that in the Corporate world, most employees feel that their productivity is more important than their emotional or financial well-being. It has also been my experience that for as long as employees in any capacity struggle with personal anxiety or stress, they are not able to fully contribute to the entity they work for and, inevitably, this costs companies, whether it is in the form of lost revenue, decreased efficiency, burnout or toxicity in the workplace. 

I offer tailor-made Money Coaching packages for Companies, depending on needs and goals. Book your FREE 30 minute consult with me by clicking the button below. 

“Fahreen has a fantastic way of making the complex appear simple. She is a pleasure to work with and delivers at an exceptionally high standard.”
Ami, Nairobi

“A fruitful session – gave us clarity and pointed us in directions we had not considered. Helped us define our way forward and I look forward to our next consultation.”
Fikrafiya, Tanzania

“Fahreen Gilani is an exuberant creative thinker who was able to take my business concepts and help me distill them into a viable and profitable format. Her “Outside the box” approach lit the path to further my business success. Her no-nonsense approach is refreshing and very much heart centred. Your business would do well engaging Fahreen’s services.”
Dayna Harp, Co-Owner, Bliss-4-Life Ltd. 

“An astute, out of the box thinker who wastes no time in getting to the core issues, encouraging her audience to do the same. It is easy to trust her and believe in her strategies.”
Shahnaz, Director, Toto Junction